Magna Publications

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OCTOBER 22-24, 2024


OCTOBER 25, 2024—JANUARY 31, 2025

Content Experts

Do you want to know a secret? Magna has a unique process for identifying content experts: We ask a lot of questions and listen to the answers to pair what our experts can offer with what our customers desire.

Our vetting process and our reputation for finding experts on topics that matter most to our customers are a few of the reasons we work with more of the top education experts than anyone else.

Faculty in front of class content expert

Campus wide professional development

Campus-wide Professional Development

How are you meeting your faculty and staff’s individual training needs? Is faculty development a competitive advantage at your institution? Magna Publications’ new streaming service platform can help you accomplish these items and more. Some options include:

  • Individual programs to fill specific learning needs
  • Text-based article library written by the top education experts
  • Deep-dive courses for complete immersion to master skills in a specific topic area
  • A complete professional development library covering educator’s needs in all topic areas

Expert Higher Education Professional Development for Leadership and Faculty

Magna Publications – Your Partner in Educational Development

Our representatives often refer to themselves as “dot connectors”. Why? Because Magna offers what others do not: a variety of resources and the staff to help you get exactly what you need to achieve your professional development objectives and ultimately student success.

Whether it’s conferences, workshops, digital programs, courses, publications, or coaching, our customers stay ahead of the teaching and leadership curve on the topics that matter most to them.

years proudly serving higher education
online programs delivered
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education experts we work with
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