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Learning Design Level 2 Microcredential

Unlock new levels of student engagement and effective course design with our flexible, expert-led Learning Design Level 2 Microcredential, and earn a digital badge that highlights your proficiency in innovative teaching strategies like gamification and micro-activities.

Group Enrollment Pricing
1 person$329 per person
2-4 people$295 per person
5-9 people$209 per person
10-19 people$165 per person
20-39 people$139 per person
Group Enrollment discounts are applied in the cart.
The course enrollment will expire one year after activation.

As a dedicated higher education faculty member, you strive to create engaging and impactful learning experiences for your students. Yet, you might be facing challenges in keeping students motivated, designing interactive content, and incorporating advanced techniques into your courses. Our Learning Design Level 2 Microcredential is here to provide a comprehensive solution.

This asynchronous 6.5-hour Magna Online Course is designed specifically to address these challenges by offering insights from experienced educators who have successfully navigated similar obstacles. You’ll gain access to proven strategies and success stories, equipping you with practical techniques that you can immediately apply to enhance your course design. The focus is all on advanced strategies such as gamification and micro-activities, which are proven to boost student engagement and interaction.

This asynchronous Magna Online Course is unique in its flexibility by adapting to your specific needs through a self-assessment tool that starts your journey. You’ll receive a recommended list of programs to complete to solve your biggest challenges. For those passionate about learning, you also have the option of completing as many of the programs you like. By completing this Magna Online Course, you’ll not only improve your teaching skills but also earn a digital badge that recognizes your proficiency in advanced learning design. This badge serves as a testament to your expertise and dedication, showcasing your ability to implement effective, innovative strategies in your courses.

Take the next step in enhancing your teaching prowess and making a lasting impact on your students. Register for our Learning Design Level 2 Microcredential today and unlock new ways to engage your students and elevate your impact.

This Magna Online Course Includes:

  • A self-assessment tool to guide your learning to incorporate your specific needs
  • Goal-Setting Guide
  • Classroom Action Plan Worksheet
  • Supplemental materials for each program within the course
  • A digital badge upon completion

View Included Programs In This Magna Online Course

Learning Goals:

At the conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Apply techniques to transform your lectures into interactive and engaging experiences by using technology and active learning strategies
  • Incorporate pop culture into your teaching, create a student-focused syllabus, and structure class discussions to boost participation and interaction
  • Encourage students to engage with course content before class, ensuring they arrive prepared and ready to contribute
  • Apply gamification to foster a growth mindset and stimulate higher-order thinking among your students
  • Implement interleaving strategies in your course design to enhance student retention and success through effective recall and application of information
  • Use interactive lecturing and TED Talk principles to make your academic lectures more engaging and impactful, focusing on connecting, conveying, and communicating content
  • Utilize microactivities to enhance student engagement and retention, integrating these strategies into your teaching for a more dynamic learning environment

How Does This Magna Online Course Work?

  • To earn the digital badge demonstrating your proficiency in learning design, view 5 or more of the 11 included programs.
  • You may watch programs in any order.
  • Each program includes a note-taking guide, supplemental materials, and a transcript to further your learning.
  • To receive credit for a program, watch the entire program without refreshing or going to another page until the program is complete. (You may take breaks between programs.)
  • The course comes with a self-assessment tool which takes your responses and provides you a custom learning path, focusing on your biggest needs.
  • The course also comes with special additional resources such as a Classroom Action Plan and a Goal-Setting Guide to support you in implementing what you learned into your teaching.
  • Once you have completed the requirements of the course, you will be able to request a digital badge which demonstrates your proficiency of the subject matter.

Who Will Benefit from This Course:

  • Faculty teaching in any modality

Group Enrollment:

Discount pricing is available for multiple seats purchased at the same time.

For 10 or more seats, please contact Magna Sales at or call 800-433-0499 ext. 183 to receive a customized quote.

Request a customized quote!

Product Code: PQ23FA

Meet Your Presenters

Eleni Caldwell, PhD
Assistant Teaching Professor, Wake Forest University

Jeremy Caplan
Director of Teaching and Learning, City University of New York

Kamil Hamaoui, PhD
Associate Professor, Westchester Community College

Lauren Hays, PhD
Assistant Professor of Educational Technology, University of Central Missouri

Katherine Jones
Reference Librarian, Central College

Sarah Lovern, PhD
Professor of Biology, Concordia University Wisconsin

Wren Mills, PhD
Pedagogical Assistant Professor, Western Kentucky University

Marie Norman, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Meixun Zheng, PhD
Assistant Professor, Senior Faculty, and Instructional Designer, University of the Pacific

Kristin Ziska Strange
Associate Director of Faculty Development & Instructional Design, Tufts University


Purchase Options

Group Enrollment Pricing
1 person$299 per person
2-9 people$229 per person
10-49 people$179 per person
50-99 people$159 per person
Group Enrollment discounts are applied in the cart.
The course enrollment will expire one year after activation.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may cancel the order within 30 days of purchase and receive a full refund.

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