Magna Online courses

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Career Development Microcredential

Unlock your potential with our Career Development Microcredential, gaining expert strategies to overcome mid-career challenges, boost visibility, master grant writing, and advance your professional growth with a valuable digital badge to enhance your academic portfolio.

Group Enrollment Pricing
1 person$329 per person
2-4 people$295 per person
5-9 people$209 per person
10-19 people$165 per person
20-39 people$139 per person
Group Enrollment discounts are applied in the cart.
The course enrollment will expire one year after activation.

In today’s competitive academic landscape, navigating and advancing your career can be challenging. Faculty members often face a range of obstacles, like feeling stagnant in mid-career roles, struggling to gain visibility and recognition beyond their campus, or grappling with the complexities of grant writing. These challenges can impede your professional growth and limit your potential to make a broader impact in your field.

Our Career Development Microcredential is specifically designed to assist you in overcoming career challenges, gaining broader recognition, and honing essential skills to propel you forward. This asynchronous 7.5-hour Magna Online Course provides targeted programs that offer practical solutions to these issues. You’ll explore strategies to reinvigorate your career, learn how to effectively showcase your work, and perfect your grant writing skills to secure funding and advance your research. Additionally, you’ll gain valuable insights to enhance your teaching productivity, manage your career effectively, and meet institutional requirements, while also discovering opportunities like educational consulting and public outreach through innovative formats like podcasts and engaging videos.

This asynchronous Magna Online Course is unique in its flexibility by adapting to your specific needs through a self-assessment tool that starts your journey. You’ll receive a recommended list of programs to complete to solve your biggest challenges. For those passionate about learning, you also have the option of completing as many of the programs you like. Upon completion, you’ll earn a digital badge that not only acknowledges your commitment to professional growth but also enhances your portfolio. This badge serves as a testament to your expertise in career development and stands out to peers, employers, and the broader academic community.

Ready to advance your career? Register now for the Career Development Microcredential and take the next step towards achieving your professional goals today!

This Magna Online Course Includes:

  • A self-assessment tool to guide your learning to incorporate your specific needs
  • Goal-Setting Guide
  • Classroom Action Plan Worksheet
  • Supplemental materials for each program within the course
  • A digital badge upon completion

View Included Programs In This Magna Online Course

Learning Goals:

At the conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Develop strategies to address and move past stagnation and obstacles during mid-career stages
  • Learn how to effectively showcase your work and gain recognition beyond your campus
  • Acquire skills to write compelling grant proposals that secure funding and advance your research
  • Implement strategies to enhance your productivity and effectiveness in the classroom
  • Understand how to efficiently fulfill your institution’s citizenship requirements while balancing other responsibilities
  • Discover new opportunities such as educational consulting and public outreach through podcasts and videos
  • Apply techniques for effective feedback and collaboration to refine your teaching and manage workload

How Does This Magna Online Course Work?

  • To earn the digital badge demonstrating your proficiency in active learning, view 5 or more of the 17 included programs.
  • You may watch programs in any order.
  • Each program includes a note-taking guide, supplemental materials, and a transcript to further your learning.
  • To receive credit for a program, watch the entire program without refreshing or going to another page until the program is complete. (You may take breaks between programs.)
  • The course comes with a self-assessment tool which takes your responses and provides you a custom learning path, focusing on your biggest needs.
  • The course also comes with special additional resources such as a Classroom Action Plan and a Goal-Setting Guide to support you in implementing what you learned into your teaching.
  • Once you have completed the requirements of the course, you will be able to request a digital badge which demonstrates your proficiency of the subject matter.

Who Will Benefit from This Course:

  • Faculty teaching in any modality
  • Faculty Developers

Group Enrollment:

Discount pricing is available for multiple seats purchased at the same time.

For 10 or more seats, please contact Magna Sales at or call 800-433-0499 ext. 183 to receive a customized quote.

Request a customized quote!

Product Code: PQ23UA

Meet Your Presenters

Ken Alford, PhD
Professor of Church History and Doctrine, Brigham Young University

Deborah Biddle
Founder and Chief Consultant, The People Company Consulting Group

Stephanie Delaney, PhD
Vice President of Instruction, Renton Technical College

Holly Klawitter, MBA
Campus Administrator, Meadow Ridge Senior Living

Jill Schiefelbein
Founder, Dynamic Communicator

Anthony Sweat, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor of Church History and Doctrine, Brigham Young University

Ann Taylor, PhD
Assistant Dean for Distance Learning, The Pennsylvania State University

Brian Udermann, PhD
Professor, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Maryellen Weimer, PhD
Professor Emerita, Penn State Berks

Purchase Options

Group Enrollment Pricing
1 person$299 per person
2-9 people$229 per person
10-49 people$179 per person
50-99 people$159 per person
Group Enrollment discounts are applied in the cart.
The course enrollment will expire one year after activation.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may cancel the order within 30 days of purchase and receive a full refund.

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