Journal of Faculty Development

The Journal of Faculty Development welcomes manuscript submissions that advance theoretical and practical understandings of faculty development in post-secondary institutions. To be considered for publication in the Journal of Faculty Development, manuscripts, in whole or part, may not have been previously published or be currently under review for publication elsewhere.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Refer to the APA Publication Manual (7th Edition) for rules regarding style and format. Manuscripts submitted should be correctly formatted, well written, and free of surface-level punctuation, spelling, grammatical errors.
  • Divide the text of a manuscript into headings (not to exceed three levels).
  • Avoid the use of jargon and define terms that are likely to be unfamiliar to readers.
  • Spell out acronyms on first use; use the acronym thereafter.
  • Discuss the evaluation process and results in great detail if your manuscript is a case study or a description of a program.
  • Incorporate institutional references accurately (both for anonymous and fully identified institutions).
  • Ensure that you fully address the implications of the research for practice in higher education if your manuscript is an empirical research study.
  • Situate the manuscript in the most recent and historical scholarly literature.

Note: Please remember the definition of the word “faculty” is collective, according to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, 2000:

  1. Any of the divisions or comprehensive branches of learning at a college or university: the faculty of law.
  2. The teachers and instructors within such a division.
  3. A body of teachers.
  4. All of the members of a learned profession: the medical faculty.

Ensuring Anonymous Review

Authors are responsible for removing identifying information from their manuscripts that may reveal identity or affiliations to reviewers. All submitted manuscripts should mask the author’s(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and institutional references. Authors will then add identifying information that was redacted for initial submission during the copyediting phase of the publication process.

Copyrighted Materials

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for any copyrighted material used in the manuscript, including illustrations. In addition, authors are expected to adhere to the standards for intellectual property rights and plagiarism and assume full responsibility for the content of their submissions.

The Review Process

The Journal of Faculty Development welcomes electronic submissions. To submit your manuscript for consideration, upload the manuscript to the review portal. All manuscripts will undergo a preliminary review by the Editor. After a preliminary review by the Editor, manuscripts that are suitable for consideration will be sent to at least three peer reviewers. The reviewers may recommend that Journal of Faculty Development:

    • accept the manuscript without revision;
    • accept the manuscript with minor revisions;
    • revise and resubmit the manuscript for major revisions;
    • reject the manuscript.

General criteria used for manuscript review include:

    • logic and organization of the manuscript;
    • quality of writing;
    • clarity of the thesis, argument, or question;
    • quality of support for thesis/argument/question;
    • extent to which the implications are explored;
    • pertinence to scholars and practitioners in postsecondary education.

Suitability criteria for the Journal of Faculty Development include:

    • introduces new research to the field;
    • represents a completely innovative contribution to the field;
    • makes a contribution that is practical and useful (but not necessarily ground-breaking);
    • describes novel ideas, concepts, or techniques;
    • applies existing concepts and techniques in novel ways;
    • integrates existing research in useful ways;
    • provides a useful synthesis of ideas in the field.

One copy of the volume in which the article appears will be sent to each author, and reprints may be ordered by authors at cost. In addition to the Magna Publications website, printed copies of each issue may be ordered on The Journal of Faculty Development is also available in an electronic version through the Magna Publications website.

Manuscript Submission and Formatting Requirements

Manuscripts should generally not exceed 3,500 words (approximately 14 pages, double spaced, including references, tables, and figures).

Manuscripts must conform to the American Psychological Association’s format described in the association’s Publication Manual (7th Edition). Please double-check references, citations, headings, figures, and graphs for compliance with APA format.

Page size should be 8.5 x 11-inches.

All margins (left, right, top and bottom) should be 1 inch, including your tables and figures.

Use 12 point Times New Roman font for the body of the text.

Use a single column layout with left justified.

The name and complete address, telephone, and email address of each author should appear on a separate cover page, so it can be removed for the blind review process.

All figures and tables should appear at the end of the manuscript, each on a separate page. All portions of figures and tables must be in black only, and created in the word processing program, not generated from a linked spreadsheet or other application. The author(s) should indicate placement of figure or table by inserting a notation, “Insert Figure X about here,” at the appropriate point in the manuscript (between paragraphs).

The manuscript should include a 100-word abstract.

Each submission should include a biographical sketch of each author using the JFD format. Postal and email addresses for each author will be uploaded to the review system upon notification. Author name(s) should appear first. Degree should follow author name as applicable. For example:

First Name Last Name, Degree [Ph.D., M.D., Ed.D.], title [Associate Professor of Department] and institution [at the University].

Do not email your manuscript. All manuscripts must be submitted via You will be prompted to upload your manuscript during the submission process. If you are submitting a manuscript for consideration in an upcoming special section, please ensure that you indicate the topic using the dropdown when prompted.

Questions? Contact the Editor

Russell Carpenter, Ph.D. 
Assistant Provost & Professor of English
Eastern Kentucky University