Peter Wolf
Peter Wolf has served as the former associate vice provost and director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Queen's University until August 2017. Currently, he is a higher education consultant working with eCampus Ontario and the Carleton University on various projects. Wolf is an administrative, strategic, and operational leader with over 20 years of educational development, educational technology, and learning spaces experience in higher education. He is a passionate advocate for the continuous improvement of educational culture and evidence-based practices. In the past, he has worked in the Ontario college system, at the University of Guelph as the director of teaching support services. Wolfs research has principally been in the area of extending education development through course and curriculum interventions. He co-edited an issue of New Directions for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education on curriculum development and has published with the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario and in the Journal of Geography in Higher Education and the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education.
Wolf holds a MAdEd in adult education from St Francis Xavier and a bachelor's degree in social work from McGill University.
Updated 01-25-18