
The Teaching Professor

The Teaching Professor is the lively, highly informative newsletter with a singular purpose: to provide ideas and insight to educators who are passionate about teaching. A source of cutting-edge information and inspiration for more than 10,000 educators at universities and colleges worldwide.

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Accessible Resources imageWhether you are an administrator or faculty member, The Teaching Professor offers you access to new ideas, strategies, and pragmatic approaches that work. A subscription to The Teaching Professor puts articles and other resources within reach of faculty, administrators, and faculty developers.

All resources from The Teaching Professor cover a variety of topics that include but are not limited to:

  • Promoting active learning
  • Designing effective assignments
  • Creating a climate for learning
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  • Overcoming student apathy
  • Energizing and reinspiring experienced faculty
  • Integrating instructional technology
  • Responding to course evaluations and feedback

These thought-provoking resources also focus on pedagogically sound techniques, ideas, and strategies that will create a rich professional development experience for your faculty.

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Although The Teaching Professor is designed specifically for faculty, it is also beneficial for academic deans, department chairs, teaching and learning directors, and distance education administrators.

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Meet Our Contributing Editors

The Teaching Professor contributing editors carry on the publication’s mission of providing readers with evidence-based ideas and advice for improving learning in their courses. Look for their insight exclusively for The Teaching Professor subscribers.

Stephen L. Chew is a professor of psychology at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. Trained as a cognitive psychologist, one of his primary research areas is the cognitive basis of effective teaching and learning. Chew has worked to translate learning research for teachers and students. He developed a research-based framework of cognitive challenges that teachers must address to engender student learning. He is the creator of a groundbreaking series of YouTube videos for students on how to study effectively which have been viewed almost three million times. Chew is the recipient of multiple national awards for his teaching and research, including being named the 2011 Outstanding Master’s Universities and Colleges U.S. Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Chew serves as the chair of the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP).

 Nichole DeWall is a professor of English at McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois, where she teaches Shakespeare, medieval and early modern literature, drama, and composition courses. McKendree has recognized her with multiple awards, including the W. Norman Grandy Faculty Award and the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award. DeWall has published extensively on representations of disease in Shakespeare’s drama and on teaching in higher education. Her writing has appeared in English: Journal of the English Association (Oxford UP), Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, and Representing the Plague in Early Modern England (Routledge). At McKendree, she serves as a provost fellow and director of the honors program. You can reach her at

Regan A. R. Gurung is associate vice provost and executive director of the Center for Teaching and Learning and professor of psychological science at Oregon State University. He has published 16 books, most recently Thriving in Academia: Building a Career in a Teaching Focused Institution and A Pocket Guide to Online Teaching, and over 130 peer-reviewed research articles. He is winner of the American Psychological Foundation’s Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award and the CASE Wisconsin Professor of the Year Award, founding coeditor of APA’s journal Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, and past president of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology and Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology.

Mays Imad is an associate professor of biology and equity pedagogy at Connecticut College. Previously, she taught for 14 years at Pima Community College in Tucson, Arizona, where she also founded the teaching and learning center. A Gardner Institute Fellow, an AAC&U Senior STEM Fellow, and a Mind & Life Institute Fellow, Imad researches the social determinants of wellbeing and their effects on students’ ability to learn and thrive. A nationally recognized expert on trauma-informed teaching and learning, Imad works with faculty across disciplines and institutions to promote inclusive, equitable, and contextual education—all rooted in the latest research on the neurobiology of learning.

The Teaching Professor (ISSN 2578-9899) is published by Magna Publications Inc., 2718 Dryden Drive, Madison, WI 53704. SKU: EPTPAA.


The Teaching Professor - New Ideas, Strategies, and Techniques at Your FingertipsSIPA Award Winner

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