Virtual workshops

Academic Leadership Bootcamp

This two-day virtual workshop led by Drs. Sara Ziegler and Russell Carpenter offers a comprehensive toolkit for academic leadership success, equipping you with practical strategies, mentorship enhancement, decision-making prowess, and the essential mindset to excel in your role and drive positive outcomes in your institution.

Purchase Options


Two-Part Virtual Workshop

Thursday, July 25, 2024, 9:00 AM Central – 12:00 PM Central AND Friday, July 26, 2024, 9:00 AM Central – 12:00 PM Central

Successful Leadership Starts Here

In academia, there’s often a gap in preparing individuals for leadership roles. Many are well-versed in research and teaching but lack training in leadership and administration. Institutions frequently overlook investing in leadership development programs, leaving leaders ill-equipped for their responsibilities. Academic leadership demands a diverse skill set that can be difficult to acquire without structured support, making it a challenge to effectively navigate these roles.

Join Sara Ziegler, PhD, Provost and Professor of Political Science and Russell Carpenter, PhD, Assistant Provost and Professor of English, for this engaging and interactive two-day virtual workshop designed to enhance your leadership skills and overcome common challenges you’ll face in your position so you can excel in your role. By leveraging decades of higher education leadership experience, they will guide you through a multi-step process of leadership skill development and strategies tailored specifically for the unique demands of academic leadership. Every insight and strategy shared will be directly applicable and transferable to your specific role, ensuring a tangible impact on your leadership effectiveness.

This is your opportunity to gain the toolkit for academic leadership success:

  • Gain practical strategies for navigating academic leadership confidently
  • Enhance your ability to lead, guide, and mentor staff and faculty
  • Make informed decisions for positive outcomes in your department and institution
  • Acquire the skills, knowledge, and mindset for effective academic leadership today

How Does This Virtual Workshop Work?

  • This virtual workshop takes place in two 3-hour Zoom sessions with your presenters and fellow registrants on Thursday, July 25 & Friday, July 26, 2024.
  • Attendance is limited to the first 48 registrants to provide the most effective coaching experience possible.
  • Virtual, synchronous learning gives you time to interact, learn, and ask questions of the presenter and other participants.
  • The two-part presentation allows for reflection and application of workshop materials between sessions.
  • A digital badge is awarded after completing the workshop.

Learning Goals

Upon completion of this virtual workshop, you’ll be able to:

  • Examine current higher education leadership needs and priorities considering current challenges and trends
  • Define and navigate professional relationships and boundaries (e.g., mentoring, coaching, and supervising)
  • Prioritize leadership decision making
  • Explore approaches for expanding leadership skills in higher education scenarios  
  • Discuss leadership scenarios and potential outcomes
  • Identify leadership strategies and skills
  • Develop a leadership action plan for use across a variety of academic contexts

Who Should Attend?

This program is suitable for many leadership roles within an institution of higher education including: 

  • Deans
  • Faculty Developers
  • Center of Teaching & Learning Directors
  • Provosts
  • Vice Presidents
  • Department Heads and Chairs 

Interested in Hosting This Workshop for Your Campus?

You have the ability to make this a Campus Exclusive virtual workshop! With a Campus Exclusive virtual workshop, you: pick the date that best works for you and your group, take advantage of a special discount you can’t get anywhere else, and bring top-ranked instructors directly to your group in a live atmosphere. Find out how you can have your own Campus Exclusive virtual workshop scheduled in a closed group for a minimum of 20 of your faculty or staff!

I want a Campus Exclusive virtual workshop!

Meet Your Presenter

Purchase Options


Group Enrollment Pricing
1 person$389 per person
2-4 people$349 per person
5-9 people$329 per person
10-19 people$299 per person
20-24 people$269 per person
25-29 people$249 per person
30+ people$229 per person
This virtual workshop has a registration limit of 30 participants per session option.