The Teaching Professor Conference on

AI in Education

Live Online: December 3-4, 2024 • On-demand: Through February 17, 2025

Conference Tracks

Conference tracks help you plan your experience by interest, although you can attend any session in any track. We strive to offer a balanced program touching on all important aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education today. Look for sessions covering: 

Ethical and Inclusive AI Practices in Education

Sessions in this track address ethical considerations and the challenges of bias in AI systems and guide educators on how to ensure AI’s responsible and equitable use to support diverse learners.

Innovative Approaches to AI in Faculty Development and Professional Growth

These sessions examine the use of AI to streamline administrative tasks such as grading, scheduling, and advising, and discuss how AI can enhance operational efficiency in academic institutions.

Integrating AI into Course Design

Sessions in this track will explore how educators can purposefully incorporate generative AI into teaching practices, transform existing course assignments, and leverage AI for course design.

AI-Powered Tools for Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning

These sessions are focused on the use of embedded chatbots, AI-driven discussion boards, and other tools to boost student interaction and learning outcomes.

AI Fundamentals and Emerging Technologies in Education

Sessions in this track will explore foundational concepts of AI, machine learning, and data analytics. Dive deep into emerging AI technologies and their applications in education.


The Teaching Professor Conference on

AI in Education

Upcoming Dates

October 4, 2024

Last chance for Early Bird pricing

December 3, 2024

Conference begins

February 17, 2025

On-Demand access ends