Call for Proposals

Teaching Professor
Online Conference: Ready, Set, Teach

Live Online: July 22–24, 2025
On-Demand Access: July 25–October 27, 2025

The Call for Proposals is open!

Deadline to Submit a Proposal is April 28, 2025

Magna Publications invites proposals for concurrent sessions and poster presentations for the 2025 Teaching Professor Online Conference: Ready, Set, Teach, live on July 22–24, 2025 and on-demand from July 25 through October 27, 2025.

The Teaching Professor Online Conference: Ready, Set, Teach provides a thought-provoking and stimulating forum for educators of all disciplines and experience levels to share practical ideas and best practices that advance college teaching and learning.

We encourage you to seriously consider this opportunity to share your expertise at a conference of your peers. The deadline for submitting a proposal is April 28, 2025. Confirmation of accepted proposals will be sent by May 16, 2025.

Selected presenters are responsible for their own conference registration. 

All submissions go through a blind, peer-review process by our advisory board. Members use the following rubrics to evaluate proposals. Because this is a blind review process, anonymity must be maintained in the proposal or it will be automatically excluded. 

Rubric for Concurrent Sessions

CriteriaPoorModerate Excellent
Relevance: Addresses ideas, topics, or practices that are highly relevant and significant to teaching and learning at the university level.     
Evidence: Cites previous scholarly work and integrates theory and/or quantitative or qualitative assessment data. The presentation does not rest on the presenter’s experience.     
Action: Offers content applicable to a variety of disciplines and campus sizes by sharing innovative and creative thinking. Proposal covers new ground or is a significant advancement or application of well-documented practice.     
Appropriate: The session proposal is likely to accomplish the stated outcomes. It is appropriate for the track selected by the presenter.     
Presentation: The session is engaging and interactive. It includes the thoughtful use of active learning and engagement activities synergistic with the proposed content and session goals.     

Rubric for Poster Presentations

CriteriaPoor  Moderate  Excellent
Is the topic appropriate for this conference?     
Audience: Is the topic relevant to a broad range of disciplines, students and/or institutional settings?     
Overall Proposal Quality: Writing, organization, originality.     

Day 1
Syllabus Design, Course Prep, and Tech Tools

Preparing Your Course and Curriculum

Prepare for the first day of class by mastering syllabus design and innovative course design strategies. These sessions promote curriculum development and ways to align learning outcomes with evolving academic standards. Sessions in this track may include:

  • Learner-centered course design
  • Backward design
  • Active learning
  • Gamification
  • Designing courses for critical thinking, reflection, collaboration, and motivation
  • Writing and aligning goals, objectives, and learning outcomes
  • Using artificial intelligence (AI) as a course preparation tool

Technology Tools for Teaching

This track introduces you to the latest educational technologies and digital tools to enhance your teaching and engage students from day one, including artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Sessions may include:

  • Pedagogical research that supports the tool
  • Pros and cons of the tool
  • An introduction to using the tool
  • An example of the tool used in class for professional or personal development

Day 2
Student Engagement, Assessment, and Online Teaching

Student Engagement

Sessions in this track focus on strategies for engaging students emotionally, behaviorally, and cognitively from the first day of class. Sessions may include:

  • Techniques for creating a climate of active participation
  • Fostering a sense of belonging in the classroom
  • Encouraging discussions and interactive activities to sustain student engagement
  • Classroom-based engagement activities

Assessment and Feedback for Learning

Refine your approach to assessing and providing feedback that supports student growth early in the semester. Sessions may include:

  • Tests, assignments, grading systems, and criteria
  • Effective rubrics, peer- and self-assessments
  • Ungrading and streamlined grading strategies using AI tools
  • Providing timely and constructive feedback that promotes student learning and improvement

The Online Classroom

These sessions are for educators who seek to optimize their online courses, improve student engagement, and ensure quality teaching practices in the digital environment. Sessions in this track cover topics such as:

  • Maximizing your learning management system (LMS) features and settings
  • Course structure, file naming, and organization
  • Creating and uploading resources including video, graphics, and documents
  • Humanizing/personalizing your course
  • Flipped classroom tips and ideas
  • Online course design best practices
  • Online teaching best practices

Day 3
Beyond the Classroom, Inclusion, and Wellbeing

Beyond the Classroom

Focus on preparing students for success beyond their academic experience. Explore how to create meaningful connections between academic content and practical skills that students need to succeed in their careers and lives beyond graduation. Topics include:

  • Faculty mentoring and advising
  • Creating real-world learning opportunities like internships and service learning
  • Integrating career readiness programs and global learning into your courses
  • Covering concepts such as soft skills, experiential learning, workforce skills, and more

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This track focuses on creating inclusive classrooms that promote diversity, equity, and belonging from the first day of class. Sessions may include:

  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Addressing implicit bias
  • Fostering social justice and belonging
  • Ensuring marginalized students feel supported and included
  • Building DEI competencies

Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Resilience

Start the semester off with strategies for promoting well-being and resilience for both faculty and students. This track addresses mental health awareness, stress reduction, and work-life balance. Sessions may include:

  • Mental health awareness and stress reduction techniques
  • Work-life balance strategies
  • Fostering a supportive and caring classroom environment
  • Identifying signs of burnout and building emotional intelligence
  • Developing emotional intelligence (EI)