Student Leadership Course

Seena L. Haines, PharmD, is a professor of pharmacy practice and director of professional wellbeing and belonging for the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. She served as department chair of pharmacy practice at Ole Miss from 2016 to 2022. Prior to joining the University of Mississippi, Haines served as senior associate dean for faculty and professor at Palm Beach Atlantic University. She received more than $750,000 for the pharmacotherapy model, Integrated Pharmacotherapy Services™ (a pharmacist-run, indigent clinic for the underserved). She served for seven years as director of pharmacy services at four community health centers and co-director of the Diabetes Education and Research Center. Haines is part of two HRSA three-year well-being grant awards with UMMC and the American Society of Health System Pharmacists. Achievements include board certification in ambulatory care practice, fellow American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, fellow American Pharmacists Association, fellow American College of Clinical Pharmacy, AACP Outstanding Service Award, Pharmacy Practice Section, distinguished fellow National Academies of Practice, 2021 Women Pharmacist of the Year Awardee, ASHP Distinguished Practitioner from the section of ambulatory care practitioners, AACP Innovation in Teaching Award, Preceptor of Distinction, Hero in Medicine, inaugural AACP academic leadership fellow, residency wellbeing coordinator, lead faculty for wellbeing and resiliency in the office of wellbeing, national board certified health and wellness coach, certified health and well-being coach, certified mindfulness teacher, certified yoga instructor, vice president professional development National Academies of Practice, co-lead AACP well-being and resiliency community, and ambassador for the Whole Health Institute.
Last Updated: 4-25-2023

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